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As one of my dearest friends has said to me on more than one occasion, I am an evangelist.  If I love something, I want others to know about it and try it!  Pronto!  Just ask my family members who have been pestered over and over again when I insist they will LOVE something that, of course, they inevitably do not enjoy half as much as me.  I enthusiastically sell everything from makeup products to restaurants, from hair salons to coffee shops, from new recipes to local events.  If something is great, I think everyone should GO and TRY! 

I am always a tourist, even in my own city of Cincinnati!  While I completely love vacations and weekend getaways, I also embrace a great stay-cation.  Because I’m from a small-town (go Anna Rockets), I have a great appreciation for everything the city has to offer.   There is SO much to do here.  Parks.  Museums.  Views.  Restaurants.  Coffee Shops.  I love this city.  I especially love to support local and independent restaurants and businesses.  Although I’m not a drinker, make me a colorful mocktail, and I’m yours.  For life.   My new obsession outside of Cincinnati is weekend getaways to places like Louisville, Columbus, Cleveland . . . you name it, I’m ready to explore!  

I have a couple mottos.  One is that I value experiences more than material items.  The other is to come from a place of yes.  What does this mean?  If I’m going to spend my hard earned cash, I want it to be on good food, time with friends and family, and travel.  I am always up for exploring something new, even if it infringes on the borders of my comfort zone.  Luckily I have people in my life who are usually up for these adventures.  My faith is my foundation, so plan on hearing about some pretty cool volunteer opportunities.   I believe life is too short to be comfortable all the time.  Therefore, I am not afraid to be goofy, to laugh at myself, and to create fun.

Coffee drinker.  Book reader.  Foodie.  Cheesy moment maker (see image at top).  Yep, that’s me. 

My challenge to others is this:  If I recommend it, GO THERE and TRY THAT.  If there’s something I need to TRY, tell me and I will GO THERE!  Share with me at mindy@gotheretrythat.com

I would love feedback!




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